Saturday, January 15, 2011

Reviving, Realization, and Becoming

It's really hard becoming a Christian.  People think that becoming a Christian is like a paradise.  Well..., it is, if we just obey God and become followers of Christ.  Becoming a Christian comes with a great sacrifices, big love, and perseverance.  Sacrifices because we need to do what is ought to do for the Lord and for the benefit of others.  Love because we need to love those who are unloved, even our enemies.  Perseverance because we need to strive for the best and our best in becoming a role model Christian.

I have been a Christian for sometime already and I have been through a lot of problems.  While I was in this journey I realized that the more that I follow and obey God's commandments the more temptations are coming.  They tend to let me forget my covenant with the Lord.  It was a struggle deep inside of me.  There are times that I rarely go to church for some reasons.   Sometimes I make ill comments which is not suppose to be said and some other things that should not be done by a Christian.  It's really a fight that I know it's hard to do it alone but can only be won together with Lord.

Now, I'll be reviving this blog not to earn nor to benefit from it but share what God has always wanted us to do. Go ye and make disciples, that's what God has commanded.  By sharing the word of God through this blog I know can reach more people and can make better use of the technology that we are right now.

"Lord let this blog be a vessel of Your words, a carrier of faith, and a spreader of Good News.  Bless me also to be a good conveyor of Your words.  Bless us and let other people read this blog and learn Your words and Your grace.  All of these we pray in Jesus name.  Amen."

Monday, September 29, 2008

'Four Principles in Reading the Bible"

This excerpt is from the book of Bishop Mack B. Stokes entitled "Major United Methodist Belief's". Be it our guiding principles in reading the Bible.

First, the bible is to be understood as the church's book. It has its being and meaning in and for the community of prayer and faith. The church has authorized it, preserved it,k used it. The church through centuries of prayerful study and reflection, has understood its central meaning as the revelation of god's redemptive love coming to fulfillment in Jesus Christ. In a balanced way, then, we United Methodists place ourselves as interpreters of the Bible in the mainline of Christian tradition.

Second, the Bible is to be understood not merely on the basis of a single verse or a few selected passages. Instead, we must rest our beliefs on the total insight of the biblical revelation. This total insight, as the church has understood it, includes as a central feature the revelation of the purpse of God for humankind in creation, redemption, and consummation. god is revealed in nature - that realm reality known to us through sense - experience. In a unique way, god is revealed through the Bible - the realm of the spiritual world of prayer, worship, and grace.

Third, the Bible is to be understood as revelation for response. We may study it as literature or as history or in reference to scientific accuracy. From the standpoint of the deeper moral and spiritual meaning of the Bible, however, these miss the mark. For the point is that the Bible is God's living Word. A word is for communication. This living Word is communication from God calling for our response. The Word becomes effective when we begin to ask as we read, "What is god trying to say to me today through this passage?" or 'What is God summoning me to do?" For the Bible is revelation for response to God.

Fourth, the Bible is to be understood as confirmed in Christian experience. The bible is, in large measure, the witness of people over many centuries to what god has done. Its promises, its great passages, its insights, its practical teaching - all these are at last comprehend in their deeper meaning in the ongoing lives of believers. This keeps the Bible from being just another book and makes it the dynamic word. It addresses itself to us now and in our particular circumstances today.

"Everything I Need to Know I Learned from Noah's Ark"

Something to share to everybody. I give credit to the person who write this, who ever he is.

One - Don't miss the boat.

Two - Remember that we are all in the same boat.

Three - Plan ahead. It wasn't raining when Noah built the Ark.

Four - stay fit. When you're 600 years old, someone may ask you to do something really big.

Five - Don't listen to critics; just get on with the job that needs to be done.

Six - Build your future on high ground.

Seven - For safety's sake travel in pairs.

Eight - Speed isn't always an advantage. The snails were on board with the cheetahs.

Nine - when you're stressed, float a while.

Ten - Remember, the Ark was built by amateurs; the Titanic by professionals.

Eleven- No matter the storm, when you are with god, there's always a rainbow waiting.
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